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The Business Professional Network was established in 1998 to engage Christians in business to bring their distinct capabilities to the building up of the Body of Christ around the world. A core value from the beginning was the recognition that the primary role of business people in the Body of Christ was not just to pay for others to do ministry – they could do ministry themselves, often in ways and places that evangelists, pastors, and missionaries couldn’t. This is attested to in Ephesians 4:16 – “...the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the Body...”

The BPN has supported the international “marketplace ministries” in their missions of evangelism and discipleship, but its primary focus has been the modern “business as mission” movement. Establishing and expanding real businesses offers many advantages – providing goods and services to communities at good prices with integrity, creating jobs, modeling righteous behavior in an environment known for its depravity, leadership development, discipleship, the practice of justice, challenging corruption, evangelism, care for the poor, securing indigenous funding for local churches, and earning a positive witness for Christians. In many countries, churches are even being planted by new believers won to Christ in their workplace.

The BPN regularly sponsors or participates in missions conferences on BAM, organizes trips overseas to participate in BAM projects, directs donated funds to MED and SME loan programs, consults with agencies beginning BAM, and teaches BAM in colleges and universities. The BPN is a registered US 501-c-3 not-for-profit corporation. 

John Warton, president, may be contacted at